The Relationship between Research and Critical Reading and its Application in School Learning



critical reading, research, methodology, skills


The development of research and critical reading skills in the school environment is essential to prepare students in a world where access to information is broad and the ability to discern is crucial. This essay presents a theoretical reflection to establish the relationship between research methodology and critical reading, and its application in the classroom. Therefore, it begins with the presentation of the challenges that can be found in the teaching-learning process of students in these variables, their importance; the relevance of the question in the process; He later explains the importance of research projects in the classroom based on learning standards. Finally, conclusions are reached about the connection of research and critical reading as determining skills that reinforce each other and are essential for strengthening students' competencies.

Author Biography

Naileth Patricia Caballero Cervantes, Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial Alberto Pumarejo

Máster en Neuropsicología y Educación por la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, España. Licenciada en Español y Literatura por la Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia. Experiencia de 12 años como docente de Español y Literatura, Metodología de Investigación y Jefe de la Comisión de Evaluación y Promoción, en Colombia. Ha publicado artículos relacionados con la lectura crítica desde la interdisciplinariedad. Posee experiencia en la realización de proyectos de investigación en el aula, procesos de lectura crítica, planeación curricular interdisciplinaria con enfoque en lectura crítica, talleres de lectura crítica para docentes, desarrollo de competencias en lectura inclusiva, desarrollo curricular de planes lectores y estrategias neurolingüísticas aplicadas al aprendizaje lector.



How to Cite

Caballero Cervantes, N. P. (2024). The Relationship between Research and Critical Reading and its Application in School Learning. Paradigma: Revista De Investigación Educativa, 31(51), 145–158. Retrieved from


