A Pedagogical Practice Based on Good Living in Primary Schools in Querétaro Based on Classroom Projects



pedagogical practice, Good Living, projects, primary


This article presents the possibility of promoting a reconfiguration of pedagogical practice in public primary schools in Mexico, based on the systematization of a six-year teaching experience in front of a group. It was based on an interdisciplinary perspective and an epistemological curiosity with Good Living as a compass, based on the work with classroom projects. The way to follow was with the support of action research as a tool to guide educational change in the socio-school dynamics. The work in the classroom is within the framework of the New Mexican School (NEM) Finally, the result obtained was a way of working for primary education teachers, which can be replicated from a minimum contextualization in their workspaces.

Author Biography

Itzel Castañeda Barrera, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Doctora en Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Pensamiento, Cultura y Sociedad, Facultad de Filosofía., Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ), México. Licenciada en Pedagogía y Magíster en Creación Educativa. Experiencia como docente en los niveles de preescolar, primaria y superior. Apasionada de la educación con una mirada crítica e interdisciplinaria para la generación de espacios educativos humanos en el s. XXI. Docente de Educación Básica, en la Unidad de Servicios Básicos del Estado De Querétaro, México. Docente de la licenciatura en Investigación y Gestión Educativa de la facultad de Psicología y Educación de la UAQ. Asesora pedagógica independiente.



How to Cite

Castañeda Barrera, I. (2024). A Pedagogical Practice Based on Good Living in Primary Schools in Querétaro Based on Classroom Projects. Paradigma: Revista De Investigación Educativa, 31(51), 79–96. Retrieved from https://iniees.vrip.upnfm.edu.hn/ojs/index.php/Paradigma/article/view/247


