Needs of Victimized Students to Avoid School Dropout. A Post-Pandemic Perspective from the Voice of the Victims



violence, empowerment, desertion, critical pedagogy, ICT


An exploratory study was conducted to identify academic needs expressed by psychology students who are victims of criminal acts and at risk of dropping out of their courses without completing their studies. In-depth interviews were held with 7 students, addressing issues such as classroom and extracurricular needs, academic materials and technology resources, institutional support, and teaching assistance. Content analysis was conducted using MAXQDA software. The main findings indicate that participants require academic flexibility, non-revictimization, teachers’ empathy, and the utilization of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for empowerment and educational autonomy. It is concluded that implementing a "utilitarian-ethical" approach to ICT is essential to maximize its benefits and enhance learning. Digital critical pedagogy is seen as a tool to combat the risk of school dropout.

Author Biography

Irma Hernández López, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Es Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Maestra en Criminalística y Maestra en Educación Multimodal, y es Licenciada en Psicología. Ha sido docente en diversas licenciaturas, como Psicología, Criminalística, Seguridad y Políticas, así como en el Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales de universidades públicas de México. Tiene experiencia laboral en la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social en atención a víctimas, en el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres en la Jefatura de Género, y en Latin American Women's Rights Services en Londres, en atención a víctimas migrantes. Actualmente, forma parte del grupo docente de la Facultad de Arquitectura en la Licenciatura en Diseño Industrial, donde imparte temáticas de género.



How to Cite

Hernández López, I. (2024). Needs of Victimized Students to Avoid School Dropout. A Post-Pandemic Perspective from the Voice of the Victims. Paradigma: Revista De Investigación Educativa, 31(51), 31–48. Retrieved from


