Analysis of the Professional Competencies of Music Program Graduates from UNAH, 1988–2021



professional competencies, music graduates, UNAH, curriculum plan


This study aims to analyze the professional competencies of graduates from the Music Program at the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), from the inception of the program in 1988 to 2021, in relation to the curriculum, the labor market, and its social relevance. The research used a qualitative approach and a convenience sampling method. The study population consisted of 42 individuals: 30 employers, 10 administrative staff from the Department of Arts and the Music Program, and 2 curriculum specialists. The sample included 13 individuals: 10 employers of graduates, 2 from the administrative area, and one curriculum specialist with training in music. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants, and a critical analysis of the curriculum was performed. The results showed that graduates demonstrate strengths in specific competencies such as musical sight-reading, harmony, instrumentation, and music theory. However, they also exhibit weaknesses in generic competencies such as planning, cultural management, research, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, a lack of training in areas demanded by the labor market, such as vocal performance and jazz, was observed. The study concludes that it is urgent to update the curriculum with a competency-based approach.

Author Biography

Maricela Alvarado Villa, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Es una profesional en educación y comunicación con un enfoque en el arte. Es M. Sc. en Metodología de la Investigación Económica y Social. Es Licenciada en Pedagogía y Ciencias de la Educación. Su carrera profesional se desarrolla en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH), donde trabaja desde 2015 como Asistente Operativo en la Carrera de Música y fue Coordinadora de Comunicación del Departamento de Arte. Ha participado en múltiples conferencias y capacitaciones, con experiencia en docencia, investigación y gestión cultural. Su trabajo abarca la elaboración de propuestas, rediseño curricular, publicaciones científicas, gestión de eventos y comunicación estratégica en plataformas digitales.



How to Cite

Alvarado Villa, M. (2024). Analysis of the Professional Competencies of Music Program Graduates from UNAH, 1988–2021. Paradigma: Revista De Investigación Educativa, 31(52), 139–156. Retrieved from


