Edgar Morín and Jacques Delors. Values around the Concept of Socio-Educational Coexistence. Possibilities for Coexistence and Good Living



socio-educational coexistence, universal values, citizenship education, mutual recognition, positive relationship


Democratic and inclusive socio-educational coexistence constitutes a task widely recognized by global agendas that seek, through training for and throughout life, to strengthen the civic and axiological dimension of the individual, with the purpose of guaranteeing citizen development that assurances Good Living, dignified coexistence and the protection of human dignity. This research, as a result of a documentary review, aims to identify in the contributions of Edgar Morín and Jacques Delors the principles and values that substantiate human coexistence, as a universal aspiration of educational and political programs that entail a commitment to enhancing mutual understanding, intercultural reconciliation, positive relationships and respectful treatment between subjects with diverse belongings. The authors agree that socio-educational coexistence depends on the unification of wills around the common project of humanity: the transcendence of the human race regardless of social, cultural and ideological particularities. In conclusion, human coexistence depends on the praxis of critical tolerance and active citizenship as axes that support democratic procedure, respect for ideological pluralisms, for sociocultural diversity and particular worldviews.

Author Biography

Jesús Alfredo Morales Carrero, Universidad de Los Andes

Licenciado en Educación y Politólogo (U.L.A). Magister en Educación mención Orientación Educativa (U.P.E.L) y Magister Educación mención Lectura y Escritura (U.L.A). Investigador Emérito-reconocido por el Programa de Estímulo a la Investigación (P.E.I) y por el Programa de Estímulo a la Docencia (P.E.D). Candidato a Doctor en Antropología (U.L.A). Docente del Departamento Psicología General y Orientación en la Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela.



How to Cite

Morales Carrero, J. A. (2023). Edgar Morín and Jacques Delors. Values around the Concept of Socio-Educational Coexistence. Possibilities for Coexistence and Good Living. Paradigma: Revista De Investigación Educativa, 30(50), 217–237. Retrieved from https://iniees.vrip.upnfm.edu.hn/ojs/index.php/Paradigma/article/view/208


