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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The references include URLs and/or DOIs whenever possible.
  • The text has 1.5 spacing; with Times, Times New Roman or Arial font; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, not at the end.
  • The submission has the title, abstract and keywords in Spanish, English and / or Portuguese.
  • A biographical summary of each author is attached, in the form of a paragraph of no more than 5 lines.
  • The Copyright Letter (Transfer Agreement) is attached to the submission papers and has been signed by all the authors.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

Files of interest (spanish only)

Editorial Policies

I.  Document Structure


The title of the manuscript must clearly express the subject and be congruent with the general content and must not exceed 20 words, it must be in bold, centered and the first letters in capital letters. It must be written in Spanish and English (they are also received in Portuguese).

Autor (s) include

  • Full names of the authors.
  • Affiliation (institution of origin) of each of the authors.
  • E-mail address (one) of each of the authors.
  • ORCID code of each author. You can request it at
  • Biographical summary of each of the authors (100 words maximum, prioritize academic training and professional performance).

NOTE: this information will be uploaded on the platform. Do not add in the paper file.


If the research has been developed with financial support or in agreement, the financing entity and/or the name of the project could be written under the title of the research.

Resumen (abstract in spanish)

It must describe clearly, briefly and precisely the purpose of the study, the methodology used and the most relevant results. It will consist of a single paragraph, without indentation and will contain between 150 and 200 words.


The abstract is written in English and must clearly, briefly and precisely describe the purpose of the study, the methodology used and the most relevant results. It will consist of a single paragraph, without indentation and will contain between 150 and 200 words, we recommend that this section be reviewed by an expert in English or Portuguese, as the case warrants.


The keywords or descriptors of the document must be directly related to the subject of the study, they must be selected according to the criteria established by the UNESCO Thesaurus ? clang = es, or from the ERIC Database. They must be written in lower case (except proper names) and separated by commas. There will be a minimum of 4 words and a maximum of 6. They must also be written in English (Keywords).


The introduction specifies the importance of the topic and its conceptual background. Specifically, write in such a way that the reader can clearly identify the problem studied and make a balanced compendium of the main, novel and relevant research carried out around your research topic. In this section, do not refer to the methodology.

Theoretical Discussion

The theoretical foundation or theoretical discussion, must describe in a logical, precise and understandable way, the relevant and updated concepts or theories on the subject under study. It must contain citations of authors (verbatim and / or paraphrased) with their respective reference based on APA 7 standards. If authors are not cited and / or referenced, the article will not be considered, since it will be taken as plagiarism; INIEES and Revista Paradigma have very clearly defined their ethics policies in relation to this situation.

Methods y Materials

This section refers to the research methodology, therefore, if the article is the product of a quantitative research, it should consider the following aspects:

  • The design: describe the type of experiment (randomized, controlled, cases and controls).
  • The population and sample: describe the framework of each one of them, and express how their selection has been made.
  • The environment: describe where the study was carried out.
  • The experiments: describe the techniques, measurements and units, pilot tests and applied technologies, etc.
  • Statistical analysis: describe the statistical methods used, and how the data have been analyzed.

If, on the contrary, the article is the product of qualitative research, it must emphasize the following aspects:

  • The design used.
  • The categories of analysis.
  • Participants.
  • The method used.
  • Information gathering techniques and instruments.
  • Data analysis techniques.


This section describes in a logical, precise, complete and understandable way the results or data analysis of the study, which must be consistent with the methodology and objectives expressed in the previous sections. It may include figures (graphs, maps, photographs) and tables that, on their own, clearly express the results of the study, both added up to a maximum of 10 per article. This section should be written with verbs in the past tense.


The conclusions expressed in the document are included in the text and must respond to the hypotheses proposed in the case of quantitative research, and to the objectives and / or questions in the case of qualitative research; In addition, they must respond to the objectives and questions of the study in a logical, precise and understandable way. They must be written with verbs in the present tense.

Recommendations (if applicable)

Recommendations are optional; they must describe precise actions related to the results of the study. Pay special attention not to present them as conclusions and vice versa.

II.  General Text Format

The text must be written taking into consideration the following rules:

  • The text of the article will have, between 20 and 30 pages of content, including references, on letter size paper, 2.5 cm margins on all four sides, 1.5 spaced with 12 point Times New Roman font, in Word format.
  • Paragraphs must be indented.
  • The heading of each section, such as Introduction, must have the first letter in capital letters, bold, centered, without a period. Second-level subsections should be left-aligned, in bold, first capital letters, without a period. Third-level subsections should be left-aligned, bold, italic, uppercase first letters, no trailing period.
  • The work must go with pagination numbered in the center of the lower part.
  • The use of color is allowed and recommended. The photographs that appear must support the information provided and each have a caption. Photos must be in the original JPG or PNG format.
  • Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the column and on the same page as the text in which they are referred to. Use the same font as the text, 9 point font size with single spacing. Its moderate use is recommended to clarify important terms or pertinent clarifications.
  • Figures and tables should be diagrammed, titled and numbered following the recommendations of the American Psychological Association (APA 7).

NOTE: Apply APA 7 standards in the inclusion of figures, tables, footnotes and citations / references.


III.  References

This section presents all the bibliographic sources cited in the article, which must appear at the end of your document, indented with French indentation and 1.5 spacing, placed in alphabetical order of authors and publication date. For Paradigma standards it is especially important that the references are complete.

The number of references that the article will contain will be a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30. The consulted and cited sources can be printed and digital and must be ordered according to the rules of APA 7.

Below are some examples of the references depending on their typology:

Book: Arteaga, C. and Urbina, M. (2020). Edition of scientific texts. University Publishing House.

Article: Castañeda Naranjo, L. A. and Palacios Neri, J. (2015). Nanotechnology: source of new paradigms. Nano World. Interdisciplinary Journal on Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, 7 (12), 45–49.

Thesis: Flores Carranza, Z. G. (2017) Proposal of methodology for the implementation of public lighting. [Master's Thesis, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán].

Website: Riera, M. (February 20, 2021). Re: Investing in emotions [Comment in online forum].

Institutions: Secretary of Education. (2003). Basic National Curriculum Design.
files / basic / DCNB.pdf

Reports: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (2020). The dynamics of the urbanization of Africa 2020: Africapolis, mapping a new urban geography. West African Studies, OECD Editorial,

IV.  Submission

Simultaneous submission of the manuscript to: and

(When uploading your manuscript to our platform, pay attention NOT to identify your document in any way to the intern, the double arbitration that the experts perform, in case of being accepted in the first round, is completely anonymous).

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.